More Letters

More Letters

I sincerely appreciate the letters and cards I get from teachers but these letters from Nancy Sensenbach's students really touched me. Send me your students' letters and I'll post them when I update my page. These letters were not edited for grammar or spelling and are beautiful and genuine just the same.

Dear Mr. Weiss, Your music is absoloutly wonderful! Everybody loves to play it, and we're all getting better at it. My favorite piece is Reflections. It flows so nicely with the music on the tape. What I find amazing is that you can do so much with just three notes!
Thank you so much for sending the music. Your unknown friend, Stefi D.
Dear Mr. Weiss, I love your music. It is great. I like music especially yours. I encourage you to write more music for us to play. I play the recorder. I'd really like you to write more music. Your fan, Mike
Dear Mr Weiss, How do you make three boring notes into such a good song? Thank you for making such lovely songs for us to here. Love, Ellie
Dear Mr. Weiss, I really enjoy your song, 'Reflections' because the nice wave that your notes go in at the begining and end of your song. The other think I like about Reflections is that the whole entire song sounds so peaceful and calm. I think that you wrote Reflections very very well. I have some questions to ask you. 1. How long did it take you towite this song? 2. Did you get any help on writing the song? From, Oliver C.
Dear Mr. Weiss I like your songs that you wrote like Rocky Road, Midnight Sun, and my favorite Reflections. I like how Rocky Road has a fast beat. Also I like how Reflections has a kind of nice flow. Midnight Sun to me is just a plain old good song. Your songs have a nice flow and beat. Do you have any more songs? Sincerely, Justin O.
Dear Mr. Wiess, I would like to congratulate your success on your compositions. My class and I play your music on the recorder in music class. Out extraordinary music teacher is named Mrs. Sensenbach. You might have heard of her, she teachers at Clairbourn School.
The reason for this letter is to thank you for making the music we play. My favorite one is Rocky Road.
Please continute your making of fantastically written music. Thanks Again! Sincerely, Hadley C.
Dear Mr. Weiss, Thank you for all the music you have made for us. I like all of them. I love 'Midnight Sun.' It is so fun to play. I love 'Rocky Road.' It is hard, but fun. Most of all I love Reflections, because it is so beautiful, smooth and soothing.
I really appreciate all your music. Thank you so much again.
Sincerely, Arianne T.
Dear Mr. Weiss, My friends and I really enjoyed your songs you've written. My favorite is 'Rocky Road.' It's a killer when you have to play it on the recirder but it is still nice to listen to. Thanks again. Good luck!! Your friend Christian G.
Dear Mr. Weiss, I like your music very much! My favorite songs are Midnight Sun and Reflections. Our Music class is on every Tuesday and we are working on Rocky Road. I hope Mrs. Sensenback gets some more music from you. From, Katherine R.

Check back for more letters soon.

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